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Susan Shapiro
Mar 8, 20221 min read
Shake it up
Open to new ways of thinking when you get stumped and need new perspective.

Susan Shapiro
Jun 13, 20182 min read
Grief is different for everyone who experiences it
Some have described grief as coming in waves, too strong to resist, and the best way to cope was to ride the wave to get through it. For...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 31, 20172 min read
Support growth NOT by telling others they are smart
This is a fixed vs. growth mindset. Carol Dweck, pioneering researcher on motivation, wrote “Mindset: the New Psychology of Success,”...

Susan Shapiro
May 2, 20173 min read
The Importance of Focus
A Story of Focus “Hold that plank for one minute,” my trainer said. “No problem,” I thought, because I have two hands and two feet on the...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 25, 20172 min read
Inclusion and The Four Dimensions of Leadership
Ever feel excluded from a key meeting or social gathering? Feels pretty bad doesn’t it? It may bring back memories of what it felt like...

Susan Shapiro
Mar 23, 20173 min read
3 Leadership Lessons Learned From Sea Turtles
From the moment they’re hatched, sea turtles are hurled into the world to fend for themselves until they’re ready to fulfill their...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 23, 20173 min read
Master the Feedback Balancing Act
Great leaders take an active role in helping their employees grow. A major part of that process? They’ve learned to master the feedback...

Susan Shapiro
Dec 5, 20163 min read
An Up-Close Look at Remote Management
You land a new role. Exciting? Yes! But then you realize you’ll be managing people all over the country—or even the world. Time for...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 24, 20163 min read
Is Your Career Suffering From Tunnel Vision?
If you’ve worked hard to differentiate yourself by specializing in a certain area, you may run the risk of over-relying on your...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 17, 20163 min read
Why We Need to Embrace Our Career-Path Curves
When my coaching clients struggle to move their careers forward, the roadblock usually is not their managers. Or their organizations. Or...

Susan Shapiro
Oct 4, 20163 min read
Moving Beyond the Fear of Asking for Help
In my last post, I talked about the Fear of Asking for Help (#FOAFH) and how that can damage our careers. Now I want to give you some...

Susan Shapiro
Sep 26, 20164 min read
It’s Real: The Fear of Asking for Help
Your manager finally trusts you to lead the big project. That joyful feeling of confirmation is soon interrupted by the queasy reality...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 14, 20163 min read
A Smarter Way to Identify High Potentials: The Challenge Factor
“WANTED: Future leaders to help our organization reach outrageous goals and face challenges we can’t even begin to imagine while using...

Susan Shapiro
Jun 6, 20163 min read
Negotiation Deal-Breakers: When to Walk Away
If you regularly negotiate to land new clients and projects—or to convince your boss you deserve a promotion—you probably have some solid...

Susan Shapiro
May 31, 20163 min read
When Rage Derails a Career: Coping with Anger
We all experience moments of anger; we’re human. But some people have a hair-trigger temper that takes them from “calm” to “rage” in the...

Susan Shapiro
May 23, 20163 min read
Workaholics: Wake Up and Schedule the Vacation!
Be honest: are you addicted to work? Do you feel guilty when you’re not working? Does it actually seem stressful to take time off or go...

Susan Shapiro
May 17, 20163 min read
Leadership: The Science Behind Trusting Your Gut
Imagine getting lost as you drive through an unfamiliar area late at night. You’re faced with a choice: head down a dark road that...

Susan Shapiro
Apr 18, 20163 min read
How to Cope with a Boss Who Avoids Conflict
When tortoises feel threatened, they retreat into their thick shells to safely wait out the potential crisis. But what happens when...

Susan Shapiro
Feb 8, 20163 min read
Driving Alignment: 10 Best Practices Leaders Can’t Ignore
One of my coaching clients (we’ll call her Cindy) was in trouble. Cindy’s department was responsible for delivering content marketing for...

Susan Shapiro
Jan 25, 20163 min read
Missed Opportunities: What’s Clouding Your View?
Sometimes good leaders can miss great opportunities. I’m not referring to the wing-it-and-hope-for-the-best managers here; I’m talking...
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