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Susan Shapiro

What’s your new normal at 6 months?

What feels less strange now that we have reached approximately 6 months with Covid-19 in the U.S.

  1. Have you noticed that it feels more normal to see everyone in masks?

  2. We have learned to social distance at the store and in lines.

  3. Meeting friends for walks or a meal in the park feels normal.

  4. Eating outdoors with close friends can be done.

  5. Dressing for Zoom calls has transformed how we view our wardrobes and business casual.

  6. Retail sales plummeted because we aren’t getting dressed up for events and meetings.

  7. Cutting a friend’s hair is not as weird as it once was.

  8. Weddings and special events are happening, but at a much different scale.

Devastating truths

  1. Some have adjusted well to work at home, but others have struggled, such as teachers and students, especially the youngest kids. I wonder about the long- term outcome of video learning for children?

  2. Healthcare and front-line workers are stressed out.

  3. Parents are stressed.

  4. Families juggle new challenges.

  5. Millions still unemployed.

  6. So many are sick or at risk.

  7. People cannot gather, connect and share like we used to.

  8. Many service industries have been crushed.

We don’t know what the future will bring.

It feels especially weird to be in September and not have a calendar of conferences, seminars, classes, and social events to look forward to. It used to be exciting to mark the beginning of the fall season with meaningful activities and projects.

On the work front, the planning sessions, training programs, the excitement for new learning is there, but it is totally different now. Perhaps it will never be the same again. While we adapt and change, I am impressed at how well most are coping.

So many articles are available suggesting creative things to do, strategies for coping, how we are leaning on each other to get through this.

In the activity and things -to- do category, my husband and I have been finding museums in our area that are open. We are delighted to learn we can still go to some. The Dallas Museum of Art is booked for the next 3 weeks with timed entry, so we made plans now for later in the month. The Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth was open with timed entry tickets. It felt like a normal weekend to go and enjoy art that we love.

What strategies are working for you at work and at home?

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